Tuesday, 9 April 2013

New insight.......

1) April 1

Today I learn to look at numbers in different ways, and see math as a natural and valuable part of everyday activities.

- Countable are discrete quantifiers that do not have factional parts.
   They have plural form: 1book, 2 books, 3 books.

- Uncountable are continuous quantifiers that always exist as factional parts,
   such as money, water- instead we say;  1 dollar, 2 dollars or 2 cups of water

- Learn to look out for similarity, difference or patterns.  I was constantly challenged to look for more than one way to solve a problem.

- The everyday life of learners offers an endless array, such as how many biscuits to make for the party or how many color pencils are needed to fill this box are real challenges – to learn math naturally.

‘Subitise’ – a mathematical term:  the ability to tell the number of objects in a group without counting them.
 I enjoy the lesson today. What learners need most is an adult, like Dr Yeap who fosters their interest in math, who encourages them to test their ideas and to keep sharing their reasoning in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. Learners will develop positive attitudes toward and an aptitude for mathematical learning.
 Sometimes, teacher too vigor to teach children mathematics,  she can be moving quickly that when a child is able to write and recognize numerals she think the child is ready to accelerate the topic. The child might be far from developmentally ready to acquire those kinds of math skills. Instead, the child might need more concrete experiences with grouping of numbers
There are two differentiated models:

 Acceleration Model – go ahead of topics different content.
Enrichment Model– staying with what the content but offer children with more challenging tasks to help develop the math process skills to understand the mathematical relationships around them.




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